Cape Town Baroque Festival: Event 2: LES ARTS FLORISSANTS

Sun Sep 22, 16:00 - Sun Sep 22, 17:00

St Andrew's Presbytarian Church, De Waterkant, Cape Town


Event 2


Sunday, 22 September, 16:00, St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, De Waterkant

Lutesong Consort presents a concert performance of the French allegorical mini-opera Les arts florissants by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643–1704). In this hòmage to Louis XIV (self-styled arts patron, warlord and ultimate monarch), 'the arts' are the characters: 'La Musique' (Music), 'La Poèsie' (Poetry), 'La Peinture' (Painting) and 'L'Architecture' (Architecture) resolve a dispute between 'La Paix' (Peace) and 'La Discord' (Discord). Soloists include Marina Pienaar (soprano) and William Berger (baritone). Expect tastefully ornamented arias and polished ensemble work by Cape Town's foremost baroque singers and period instrumentalists, lead from the harpsichord by Erik Dippenaar.

With: Marina Pienaar & Elsabé Richter (soprano), Lente Louw & Vasti Zeeman-Knoesen (mezzo-soprano), Willem Bester (tenor), Keaton Manwaring & William Berger (bass), Ralitza Macheva & Annien Shaw (baroque violin), Rosamund Ender (viola da gamba), Uwe Grosser (lutes) and Erik Dippenaar (harpsichord)

Programme duration:

60 minutes (without interval). Join us for a complimentary glass of wine after the concert.

Date: Sunday, 22 September

Time: 16:00

Venue: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, De Waterkant

Tickets: R250, R220 (pensioners), R100 (students)

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